
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2004 2:30 AM. The previous post in this blog was Sing along with Howie (with apologies to Ray Charles). The next post in this blog is Bernie's new wheels. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 31, 2004

Sing along with Johnny (with apologies to the Lord)

Someone's winning, Lord
Someone's winning, Lord
Someone's winning, Lord
O Lord, kumbaya

Someone's flipping, Lord
Someone's flopping, Lord
Someone's flipping, Lord
O Lord, kumbaya

Someone's boring, Lord
Someone's boring, Lord
Someone's boring, Lord
O Lord, kumbaya

Comments (1)

i wonder what you can tell about a person by how they handle an acoustic guitar. Kerry, he's got the classical guitar, great chord form and probably has had formal classical guitar lessons, at some point, and for more than a semester.

Dean, he's a rocker. He's got the auditorium type acoustic, and probably taught himself how to play when he was a teenager, while listening to the Beatles and Zep. He's playing an open ("cowboy") chord and has his thumb hanging over the fretboard- terrible form but still acceptable among the self-taught and blues afficiandos. He's probably had a lesson or two, but on electric, but he probably likes picking up an acoustic once in a while and *rocking out*.

I bet Kerry can sight read a relatively complicated piece in standard notation, and Dean probably thumbs through magazines like "Guitar Player" or "Acoustic Guitar", checking out the tabs for stuff like Cream's "Politician".

Of course, i'm probably completely wrong, but it's always fun to infer complex things from something like how a dude handles an acoustic. heh.


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» Ready.....Sing. from Parkway Rest Stop
Cousin Jack is on a roll. Check out. "Sing Along with Johnny" and "Sing Along with Howie," both with appropriate apologies. This is funny stuff. He could sell these to SNL.... [Read More]

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